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About me

Hello, I'm Patricia McPhee. I'm a highly skilled Technical Content Manager passionate about optimizing user experiences. You see, writing is just the tip of the iceberg for me—I also consider myself a strategist. I put together product documentation that you can sail through effortlessly. I sincerely believe in the transformative power of clear, intuitive user interfaces. I bring this conviction into every project I touch.

Over the years, I've honed my skills in content development, carrying out meticulous content audits and mastering tools like Docusaurus and MadCap Flare. Whether I'm polishing content for emerging tech startups or ramping up platforms for industry giants like Microsoft and GE Healthcare, my approach is always user-centric.

But here's the thing: I know that truly impactful content is a team sport. I've had the privilege of collaborating with top-tier experts—be it the VR magicians at Oculus or the cloud and networking wizards at Microsoft Azure. These partnerships ensure that my documentation isn't just thorough—it resonates with tech experts and casual users alike.

In a realm as dynamic as technology, I understand the value of staying ahead of the curve. With over two decades of technical writing under my belt, I'm still committed to growing and adapting. Right now, I'm diving headfirst into the fascinating world of Conversation Design.

That's a little bit about me. I'm excited about what we can achieve together!